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    River of Life Fellowship
    702 Church St.
    Sandpoint, ID 83864

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Senior Pastors - Justin & Troyanna Gardner

Their vision is to be an outpost that practices an influx of the workings of the Holy Spirit in prophetic ministry, healing miracles, and above all, to be an example of the heart and the love of the Father. That love being this; that His call is on the life of each and every man and woman that walks on this earth, that no matter where you have gone, or how you have fallen, surrendering yourself to the Love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ will make you whole.

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood....” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭3:23-25‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In addition, they call attention to fellowship in their lives, the ministry, and the body of Christ as a whole. For they know first that they would not be where they are today without the true fellowship and relationship with Jesus Christ, and secondly, that the fellowship they have with Him extends to the people around them. This is not a one man ministry but is made possible through the support and leadership of those who have also been called to action. For Christ himself did not walk through His ministry alone but also called for brothers to surround Him and support Him throughout His days.

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Associate Pastors - David & Tami Gardner

David Gardner is an ordained minister with International Apostolic Ministries. After serving in a small church in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1998 David and Tami felt God calling them to move to Sandpoint to help establish the church that was planted by Pastor Ken and Mavis Lawrence the previous year. Together they have served faithfully as Associate Ministers of this ministry. Their vision was (and is) to bring revival to the area and usher in a greater understanding of a personal, intimate relationship with Christ. Through these years they have helped to regularly bring many ministries into the area, not just for the River but for the whole community, and have helped work with other churches in the area to bring the whole body of Christ together for the purpose of healing and strengthening Christians so they would be prepared to spread the gospel to all that they come in contact with. They have served in whatever capacity was needed, from David running the sound, helping paint the church, and preaching, to Tami organizing the kitchen, acting as worship director, and helping to design the web site. The vision stays the same, help bring revival to Sandpoint!

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Pastors Emeritus - Ken & Mavis Lawrence

Together, Ken & Mavis Lawrence planted the River of Life and have pastored here for since 1997.

Prior to this, they served on the pastoral staff of Bethel Christian Church (A/G), Bristol, CT, and traveled widely in a ministry of encouragement and renewal. They have also served in Connecticut, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Florida during their many years of public ministry.

Ken’s international travel has involved him in short term mission trips to nearly 20 countries. Much of this ministry, both internationally and nationally, has included ministering to pastors and leaders. His public ministry often challenges people to a greater vision of what the Spirit is doing throughout the earth. Righteousness, peace, and joy, found in reality only through the grace and mercy of the Lord, is central to his message.

Ken is a native of Prophetstown, IL and was trained at Aurora University and Berkshire Christian College. He and his wife, Mavis, who is an integral part of the ministry, have raised four children and have 12 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.